Lets just say the place I dread the most with kids is Walmart... Its starts off with just getting through the door of Walmart... Then theres a little sigh of relief ahhh we made it...And then I give myself words of encouragement you can do this the kids are going to be great you have patience... Ok here we go lets grab a basket and put Kayelea in it.... And then a dark cloud comes over and bam you have the what was a sweet little girl turn into a screaming devil baby....Kicking and screaming as you try to put her in the shopping cart... Once I finally get her legs through and she has finally calmed down I stop and think to myself ok now that's over I can get through this... As I start to push the shopping cart I realize wait a minute didn't I have two kids when I came in? Oh my where is your brother as the panic comes over me and I frantically start looking around I finally spot Nathan over in the produce making balloons out of the plastic bags.....Ok patience has now gone out the window and we have just started this journey in the store.... Now I have both kids and all the drama is over right?..... I ask Nathan "Hey bud do you want to go pick out some apples for us?" all excited I gave him a task he runs to get the apples... I get the bananas, oranges and I look over to check on Nate.... What oh my gosh really.... Nathan is not getting the apples but he has 10 melons on the fruit weigher and it looks like its on overload about to break.....I get over there to him and as patient as I can be at this point I ask him to please put the melons back and get the apples that we need.... Are we done yet? No that's just the produce we still have to get meat, milk, juice, lunch meat and the list goes on.... Well we make it through half the store after that and things seem to now be going smoothly.... When out of no where Kayelea gets the urge to start screaming.... As I cover her mouth and tell her No the screaming seems to get louder... Ok at this point I am willing to beg and bargain... "Listen Kayelea if you will stop screaming and let Mommy get these last items we need I will give some candy." Ahhh silence again... Then "Mom I want candy to." "Ok Nate you can get some too." And of coarse "Well Mom can I get a toy instead of candy." " No Nathan no toy keep pushing and you won't get candy either." Now we have made it to the check out line... I can see the light yay! We are almost out of here I am so excited! Who would have ever thought I would get so excited about leaving a store... I used to love to shop....How things change when you have kids.... Just when I think we are almost out of here I realize oh I forgot the eggs.... Oh well I am not going back.... So this is my experience at walmart and that is why the kids now stay at home with dad....